> Travel Security Training

  21 May 2016 - Roma
Corso base - Target turistico

> Travel Security Training

  30 May 2016 - Milano
Corso base - Target turistico

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Più Informazioni


Global Risk Report 2015 - web site

ABSTRACT - The Global Risks Landscape, a map of the most likely and impactful global risks, puts forward that, 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, “interstate conflict” is once again a foremost concern. However, 2015 differs markedly from the past, with rising technological risks, notably cyber attacks, and new economic realities, which remind us that geopolitical tensions present themselves

World Economic Forum, Global Risk Report, 2014

ABSTRACT - The Global Risks 2014 report highlights how global risks are not only interconnected but also have systemic impacts. To manage global risks effectively and build resilience to their impacts, better efforts are needed to understand, measure and foresee the evolution of interdependencies between risks, supplementing traditional risk-management tools with

World Economic Forum, Global Risk Report, 2013

Global Risk Report 2013 - web site

ABSTRACT - Resilience is the theme that runs through the eighth edition of this report. It seems an obvious one when contemplating the external nature of global risks because they are beyond any organization’s or nation’s capacity to manage or mitigate on its own. And yet global risks are often diminished, or even ignored, in current enterprise risk management.

World Economic Forum, Global Risk Report, 2012

Global Risk Report 2012 - web site

ABSTRACT - Across every sector of society, decisionmakers are struggling with the complexity and velocity of change in an increasingly interdependent world. The context for decision-making has evolved, and in many cases has been altered in revolutionary ways. In the decade ahead, our lives will bemore intensely shaped by transformativeforces, including economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological seismic shifts. The signals are already apparent with the rebalancing of the global economy, the presence of over seven billion people and the societal and environmental
challenges linked to both. The resulting complexity threatens to overwhelm countries, companies, cultures and communities.

World Economic Forum, Global Risk Report, 2011

ABSTRACT - Since 2006 the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks report has provided a unique and timely analysis of the risks that are shaping the global environment. Underscored by an unprecedented pace of change, stakeholders from across business, government and civil society face a new imperative in understanding and managing emerging risks.

Economist Intelligence Unit, Up or out. Next moves for the modern expatriate, The Economist, 2010

ABSTRACT - Mandare personale all'estero, in particolare i dirigenti, è spesso considerato strategico, anche se negli ultimi anni la crisi ha rappresentato un freno.
Ora si prevede una ripresa delle trasferte, ed è importante capire quali sono i punti di forza di scelte di questo tipo, per la società e per il manager, quali i principali ostacoli, e anche quali le modalità più efficaci per gestire al meglio l'internazionalizzazione di dipendenti e dirigenti. Di tutto questo si è occupato lo studio "Up or out: next moves for the modern expatriate", condotto dall'Economist Intelligence Unit con una survey fatta nel luglio scorso su 418 dirigenti di livello executive di aziende internazionali basate in 77 paesi.

International SOS, Duty of care 2009 Whitepaper

International SOS, Duty of care 2009 Executive Summary

International SOS, Duty of care 2011 Executive Summary

ABSTRACT - International work and travel are an integral part of the daily operations of a multinational company (“MNC”). MNCs seeking growth opportunities and lower costs of production have embraced globalization, and increasing numbers of employees are now being required to work outside their countries of residence as expatriates or international business travelers.

IPIECA-OGP, Travel Guide. A guide to health and safety for the oil and gas professional

ABSTRACT - The dispersed nature of the multinational facilities of the oil and gas industry leads to extensive international and transoceanic travel at all organizational levels. It has been estimated that some employees travel as much as—and possibly more than—their peers in any other single segment of industry. This booklet gives some simple travel health guidance notes that can either be used and distributed to employees ‘as is’, or adapted for use as part of an ‘in-house’ health management programme.

S. Jones, Medical aspects of expatriate health: health threats
ExxonMobil International Limited, St. Catherine's House, London, UK

ABSTRACT - The globalisation of business activity can lead to the movement of key employees and their dependants from country to country. In their host country these expatriates often face health hazards not experienced at home. This paper describes the range of health issues of relevance to expatriates

Ministero Affari Esteri, Godi del tuo viaggio e tutela te stesso. Ospedale Sangallicano, Roma

Ministero Affari Esteri, Paese che vai. Consigli utili per un viaggio consapevole, INMPRoma


P.Bianco, V.Nicosia, R.Ieraci, V.Anzelmo, La gestione dei lavoratori italiani all'estero, Servizio Sanitario Aziendale RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana, 2011

ABSTRACT - Negli ultimi 20 anni i viaggi all’estero per lavoro sono marcatamente incrementati. Ne è conseguita la necessità di avere disponibili strumenti preventivi standardizzati per la tutela dei lavoratori-viaggiatori in aree geografiche con correlati fattori di rischio aggiuntivi.
La sorveglianza sanitaria di questi lavoratori richiede un’organizzazione aziendale che coinvolga le componenti interessate al processo preventivo: medico del lavoro, servizio di prevenzione e protezione, settori amministrativi, travel clinic.

Talent mobility 2020. The next generation of international assignments

ABSTRACT - The world in 2020 It is hard to imagine events that could more dramatically establish today’s characteristic global and interconnected nature than the economic crisis of recent times. Knowledge, trade, technology, capital,
and goods and services are more globally connected than ever. Coupled with the rise of emerging markets and focus on new revenue streams, these trends have created a swell in global worker mobility.

To stay and deliver. Good practice for humanitarians in complex security environment

The last ten years represent one of the worst decades ever in terms of attacks on humanitarian workers and lack of humanitarian access. When people in need are deprived assistance because relief workers are attacked or blocked, we
are not faced with a political or diplomatic ‘problem’—we are faced with an outrage and a criminal act under international and national laws. And it must be treated as such by governments and inter-governmental organizations.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Travel and living abroad - Women travellers

Rape and sexual assault can happen to women and men of all ages and backgrounds. While most visits abroad are trouble-free, we are becoming more aware of people being sexually assaulted whilst they are overseas.
Sexual assault is a very traumatic experience whenever and wherever it happens, but the trauma can be made even more difficult to deal with when it happens abroad.We will be as helpful as we can to anyone who tells us they have had sex against their wishes or been attacked by someone wanting sex.

Prefazione di Francesco Cossiga
al testo di Robert David Steele "Intelligence. Spie e segreti in un mondo aperto"

Paese di grande cultura letteraria, storica e filosofica, la nostra Italia, a motivo, storicamente parlando della sua giovane unità, sia nazionale che statuale, non è mai stata ricca di una cultura militare e in generale della difesa nazionale, che fosse cultura specialistica ma generale. E ciò, a differenza di Paesi come la Germania, il Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e di Irlanda del Nord, la Francia e gli Stati Uniti. [...] Eppure di intelligence e di security il nostro Paese ha bisogno (ne hanno bisogno gli altri Paesi democratici, perché è proprio un'esigenza delle democrazia difendersi dai pericoli maggiori per la sicurezza dello stato, dato che gli stati totalitari, in quanto tali hanno un controllo appunto totalitario della vita politica, civile, culturale, economica e quotidiana della comunità).

Che cosa è la geopolitica. La definizione di Yves Lacoste

"Viene considerata geopolitica quella situazione nella quale due o più attori politici si contendono un territorio. In questo contendere, le popolazioni che abitano il territorio conteso, o che sono rappresentate dagli attori che se lo contendono, devono essere coinvolte in questo conflitto attraverso l'uso degli strumenti di comunicazione di massa".

5 Nov 2019 -- Written by SA Staff     

Strategy Awareness Italia S.r.l.s. Via Pietralata 81 – 40122 Bologna – Italy Codice fiscale e Partita IVA 03554901201 Registro Imprese Bologna ……….